Will We Have Enough? – 5 Ways We Believe We Can Add Value

Time never stands still. Everything in the world seems to be moving at a quicker pace than before. Nowadays, the most common question we answer for the people we deal with is ‘Will I have enough?’.

Time never stands still. Everything in the world seems to be moving at a quicker pace than before. Nowadays, the most common question we answer for the people we deal with is ‘Will I have enough?’. We are continuously looking for ways to improve how we answer this question and add proper value. As Certified Financial Planners we are continuously evolving. Information gathered and used in the right way can help create a realistic financial plan.

Truly Independent & Objective Advice

For many of us, money, although we may not what to admit it, is a very emotional subject for us and our families. It often hard to talk about, difficult to make decisions about, and it’s particularly difficult to make totally objective decisions. Part of the value of having a trusted advisor is a second opinion, someone who is completely independent of you or your family, who can provide advice without emotional attachment. In our experience, most individuals benefit greatly from an independent source of advice that allows you to focus on enjoying life instead of worrying about money.


Our initial complimentary consultations typically begin with a discussion about your investment portfolio, and your insurance policies. This transpires over time to a relationship that covers every aspect of your financial life. We try to give you the confidence and reassurance to know that while you are above ground, what type of lifestyle you can afford, and furthermore if you weren’t around, that your family would be taken care of.

By using lifetime cash-flow modelling tools we help you create a financial plan that matches your priorities and fits your lifestyle.

Asset Allocation

Considerable academic studies have shown that over 90% of variations in funds’ investment returns were attributable to the underlying strategic asset allocation. Setting an appropriate strategic portfolio mix, between equities, bonds, and other asset classes, is a starting point for all our clients before considering investment selection. This important decision will have a big impact on your investment outcomes.
“Wealth isn’t primarily determined by investment performance, but by investment behaviour.” Nick Murray


When asked how the stock market will perform, the financier JP Morgan said that “it will fluctuate”. We recognise that while investing is a long-term activity, the long-term is made up of a series of short-terms which can be difficult for investors. Because investing evokes emotion, we look to help you maintain a long-term perspective and a disciplined approach. We aim to help our clients to handle periodic volatility without abandoning their investment plan.


There are distinct measurable benefits to enlisting the services of a Certified Financial Planner, including disciplined rebalancing and tax loss harvesting. Also, the allocation of assets between taxable and tax-advantaged investment accounts, is one area we can add value each year, with an expectation that the benefits will compound through time. Deciding where to allocate assets from a taxation perspective is crucial to a client’s overall financial plan.

How we invest

“To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require a stratospheric IQ, unusual business insights, or inside information. What’s needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework”

Benjamin Graham, (1894-1976) Legendary American Investor, scholar, teacher, and author of the book, “The Intelligent Investor”

Written by Pat Leahy, Certified Financial Planner

Published 2021-01-07

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