What questions should a financial investor ask of his financial advisor in the current market

Wherever you are in life's journey, it's an excellent time for you to make intelligent financial decisions.


As a financial investor, it's important to ask your financial advisor relevant questions to ensure that your investment strategy aligns with your goals, risk tolerance, and the current market conditions. Here are some questions to consider asking your financial advisor in the current market:

Market Outlook:
  • What is your assessment of the current market conditions and the economic outlook?
  • How do you see global events impacting the financial markets?

  • Portfolio Performance:
  • How has my portfolio performed relative to the market and relevant benchmarks?
  • Are there any adjustments or rebalancing needed based on recent market changes?

    Risk Management:
  • Given the current market volatility, how is my portfolio positioned to manage risk?
  • What measures are in place to protect against potential downturns?


  • How is my portfolio diversified across asset classes, sectors, and geographies?
  • Are there opportunities to further diversify based on current market conditions?

    Investment Strategy:

  • Has the investment strategy changed in response to recent market developments?
  • How do you approach active management in times of market uncertainty?

    Liquidity and Cash Position:

  • How is liquidity managed within the portfolio?
  • Is there an appropriate level of cash or liquid assets for potential investment opportunities?

    Communication Plan:

  • How often can I expect updates on my portfolio's performance and any changes in strategy?
  • What is the protocol for communication during significant market events?

    Fees and Expenses:

  • Can you provide a breakdown of all fees associated with managing my portfolio?
  • Are there any changes to fees or expenses that I should be aware of?

    Tax Efficiency:

  • What strategies are in place to optimize my portfolio for tax efficiency?
  • How can we minimize tax implications during volatile market conditions?

    Financial Planning:

  • In light of recent market changes, should we revisit our financial goals and timeline?
  • How does my investment strategy align with my broader financial plan?

    Long-Term Strategy:

  • How does the current market environment impact our long-term investment strategy?
  • Are there adjustments to the long-term plan based on recent market developments?

    Client Education:

  • Can you provide more information on specific investment choices and strategies?
  • How can I better understand the potential risks and rewards associated with my investments?

    These questions are designed to initiate a comprehensive discussion with your financial advisor. Keep in mind that the specific questions may vary based on your individual circumstances, risk tolerance, and investment goals. Regular communication with your financial advisor is crucial, especially during periods of market uncertainty.

    Open communication and staying informed are essential for making informed investment decisions in any market environment. In today's dynamic market, it's crucial for financial investors to seek guidance from qualifed financial advisors. Talk to a member of our team today. Avail of our complementary online consultation. Book Now


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  • Written by Pat Leahy, Certified Financial Planner

    Published 2024-02-08

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