Approved Retirement Fund (ARF) features that offer real value.

Congratulations on your retirement. Do you understand why you may need an ARF?

Approved Retirement Fund (ARF) features that offer real value to our customers.
An Approved Retirement Fund (ARF) is just one component of your retirement plan. Importantly, we help you understand what an ARF is. We will help you understand why you may need an ARF. This process will result in you understanding and maximising the tax benefits available to you of an ARF. We negotiate terms and implement the most favourable ARF solution to your circumstances.

Congratulations on your retirement
You will need ongoing independent Approved Retirement Fund planning advice, not just at your retirement date. Infinity Financial Planning Ltd provides a comprehensive range of assistance and support to our retired clients. The package is all-inclusive, so you won't be charged every time you interact with our business. Now and into the later years of your retirement, everything you need is provided whenever you need it.

Ongoing advice from a professional team of Certified Financial Planners
We realise you will want to be seen regularly. We also know you are busy. An annual review meeting is the core of this regular contact for most people. If you (or we) feel that more frequent meetings are necessary, we can build them into your schedule.

Written by Pat Leahy Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

Published 2022-06-16

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